Since September 2020, Kurt Stocker is working at Gachnang AG Patentanwälte

Kurt Stocker, Dipl.-Phys ETH
European Patent Attorney, Swiss Patent Attorney
studied physics (solid state physics) at the ETH Zürich. He gained experience in the area of measurement techniques and data analysis during his work in the area of physical limnology. Since 1991 he is working at Büchel, von Révy & Partner and PATWIL AG. His main activities within patent law concern mechanics, material science, electrical engineering and electronics. Amongst others he also deals with the recent develoments in the area of software protection. Since 2008 he is a part-time judge in Commercial Matters at the Commercial Court of Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he is involved in trademark, design and copyright cases. On 16.06.2010 he was elected as technically qualified judge on a part-time basis at the new Swiss Federal Patent Court.
Languages: German, English, French